Today, I'll tell you - How to Make Opera Mini A Super Fast Browser

Opera Mini is One Of The Best internet For Mobile
Phones. It Gives an Amazing Speed Whether it Comes to Downloading Or Surfing. But
Somehow, It Doesn't Gives High Speed Experience, which due To unoptimized Opera Mini Settings...

So,Today in
This Post You Will Learn How To Optimize The Opera Mini Settings To make it Super Fast Browser..

Just Follow these Steps:

1. Download The Opera Mini Browser from

2. Install The Downloaded Version into Your Phone.

3. Go the Address Bar And Write about:config.

A new Configuration page will Open.

4. Now Do the Settings Like This :

> Large Placeholders for images [No}
> Fit text to screen [Yes]
> Loading Timeout [20]
> Site patches and user-agent masking [No]
> Keep styling in RSS feeds [no]

> Show feedindex [No]
> Fold linklists [No]
> Phone number detection [Yes]
> Minimum phone number length [9]
> Use bitmap fonts for complex
scripts [No]

Thats All.. Do & Feel the Speed

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